
Update from the Committee post April 2024 meeting

The following is a summary of the key points discussed at the last section Committee meeting on 23 Aprill, and I hope you find it  helpful in keeping you up to date on section matters.

The next Committee meeting is on 26 June and if you have a matter you want discussed please let me know and I  will consider adding it to the agenda.


1: New Padel courts: We have submitted an amendment to our Permissions to allow us to install and use the floodlights. Because of the planning delays and the need to consider the impact of building on the cricket members, work is unlikely to start until early September.

2: Car parking: The wider Epsom Sports Club has just received a proposal from a firm to install an Automatic Number Plate Recognition system with the ability to fine  non-authorised parkers. The various complexities of such a system, and the need for revenue, are being considered carefully. The Board of the Club will be discussing this next week.

3: Changing rooms: We have received quotes to spruce up the two changing rooms, as well as to install bifold doors to open up the clubhouse. We are also investigating the feasibility of re-installing a bar as our membership grows.

4: Safeguarding and other related policies: These have now been refreshed following a detailed review and they can be found both in a white binder in the clubhouse and on the website here: Please take a moment to remind yourself about their content.

5: ClubSpark: Given the problems some members faced with the most recent renewal, a small group of volunteers will be assessing options for the future.

6: Membership secretary: A huge thanks to Mandi Tindall for all her past work on this role. She has now stepped down and we are putting in place interim arrangements – and if anyone wants to step up please let me know at !

7: The Committee agreed to scrap the current requirement for Team Members to pay match fees and to continue the current discretionary arrangement for Off-Peak Padel members to play at certain Peak Padel times.

8: The Committee also noted the benefit of using the Peg Board during Tennis Social, the importance of good tennis etiquette (eg not walking onto a court during another game), and how younger tennis members can join in events if they have Senior status.

9: Finally, the Committee recognised the need for an updated Strategy for our section to build on our recent growth and to address future risks and opportunities.


ELTC Secretary